Bedlam Athlete #342 – Cycle #6

If you are doing The Fittest Games Qualifier, we have given suggested days for each event to be done on. Since this week is a quick week for a lot of people, we suggest doing the events followed below Tuesday – 250m Row 15 KBS 25 Burpees 15 KBS 250m Row...

Bedlam Tuesday

A1) Seated DB Press, 10 Reps, Heavy, 4 Sets, 1 Min Rest A2) DB Row, 10 Reps/Arm, Heavy, 4 Sets, 1 Min Rest B)   12 Min AMRAP 10 Cal Row 15 S2OH (115,75) (135,95) 15 PU

Bedlam Athlete #341 – Cycle #6

Monday 24 Oct 16 AM Session 4 Min AMRAP + 4 Min Rest + 6 Min AMRAP + 6 Min Rest + 8 Min AMRAP + 8 Min Rest + Finish 50 Cal Row 40 KBS 30 WB (20,14) 20 Burpee 10 Cal AD PM Session A) 20 Rep Back Squat, +5-10# from 20 Oct 16 B) 10 Sets, Rest as Needed 1 Clean @ 90% C)...

Bedlam Monday

Monday A) Every 75 sec, 8 Sets Hi-Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean @ 65% B)  5 Rounds: 200m Run 12 WB 12 Burpee

Bedlam Athlete #340 – Cycle #6

If you are registered for the fittest games, we have outlined when the best time would be for you to complete your week 1 workouts below: Tuesday 10/19 – FT: 250m Row rest 2 min 21 Ring Muscle Ups (4 Min Time Cap) Wednesday 10/20 or Friday 10/22 FT: Squat Clean...