Bedlam Athlete #019

A) Front Squat (FS) – Build to a tough set of 2 B) 3X2 @93% of A – rest 2-3 mins C) 2 High-Hang Power Snatch (@135/95) every 20 Secs X 12 Sets  D) 3 Rounds @85-90%, rest 90 secs b/t sets 45 Sec Row 45 Sec DU Rest 90 Sec + Rest 3-5 Mins + 3 RDS@85-90%, rest...

Bedlam Friday

A) Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 OHS every 90 Sec’s X 6 Sets B) 6 Rounds: 30 Sec’s On/30 Sec’s OFF PS (95/65) KBS (53/35) Burpee’s

Bedlam Athlete #018

A) FT: 30 Squat Cleans – Pick the heaviest of the three weights that will allow you to be Sub 8 Minutes.  @225/135  @205/115 @185/95  B) Every 3 Minutes X 5 Sets 15 Sec AirDyne – ALL OUT EFFORT 4 Touch and Go (TnG) Cleans...

Bedlam Wednesday

A) Find a Heavy Bear Complex B) @80% of A – 1 rep every 30 Seconds X5 Mins C) FT: 200m Run 6 Front Rack Walking Lunges(135/95) 6 FS(135/95) 400m Run 10 FR WL 10 FS 400m Run 6 Front Rack Walking Lunges 6 FS 200m...