Bedlam Tuesday

Bedlam Tuesday

A) 2×20 Back Squat, at tough but doable weight for reps rest 3-4:00 between sets. Remember what weight you do here so you can reference back to it as the weeks go on. B) 8min EMOM 1- 40-60 DU (75singles) 2- 3 PC @75-80% of 1RM PC C) 3RDS 250m row 15 S2OH...
Bedlam Monday

Bedlam Monday

A) 6-8 Floor Seated Dual DB/KB press @21X2 into :10 Top of Pull Up Hold + 2-4 Strict PU rest 1:30-2:00 x 3 sets B) (6-8)(8-10) Hollow Banded Pull down, 3sec on way up into 15-30ft HSW (3-4 wall walks) rest 2:00 x 3-4 sets C) 2min AMRAP burpee + MU/ BarMU (burpee+PU)...