Bedlam Friday

Bedlam Friday

A) 4×5 Front Squat, Build to a heavy set. @20X1 rest 2:00-3:00 between Sets B) 16 min EMOM 1 – 4 burpees over bar + 5-7 PS (95/65)(75/55) 2- 200m run (150m run) 3- 4 burpees over bar + 5-7 WB (20/14) 4- 10-15 t2B C) Accessory / Core 8 SLDL @30X1 / side,...
Bedlam Thursday

Bedlam Thursday

A) Open Gym B) Chipper Partner Workout 80 Cal Row 80 Air squats 80 PC (95/65) 80 Cal AD 80 Box step ups C) Bro Sesh 8min EMOM 1- 5-7 Strict Pull up 2- 5-7 CGBP tough  –rest as needed– 8min EMOM 1- 5-7 DB Bent Over Row 2- 5-7 Barbell Strict Press Superset x...
Bedlam Wednesday

Bedlam Wednesday

A) MAP Session – Sustained Aerobic Output 3 sets :30on-:30off @85-90% effort (12:00) Heavy KBS plate push no push up burpee to plate Med ball Clean rest 4:00 3 sets :30on-:30off @85-90% effort (12:00) Slam ball throws box jumps Goblet Lunges row Rest As Needed...