Bedlam Wednesday

A) 8 x 1 snatch , rest as needed between sets 2 sets @ 75%, 2 sets @ 80% 2 sets @ 85%, 2 sets @ 90% B) 10minute AMRAP 2.2.2, 4,4,4… Front rack lunge Front squat T2B

Bedlam Tuesday

A1) 4 push press + 3 push jerks + 2 Split jerk @ tough PP weight Rest 1:00 A2) 2 T2B + 3 PU + 4 Chest to bar Rest 1:00 X 4 sets B) 5 rounds 200m run/row 8 devils press (45/25)

Bedlam Athlete #649 – Cycle #9

A1) PP, 4×5, Moderate-Heavy, Rest 1 Min A2) Weighted Supinated PU, 4×5, Moderate-Heavy, Rest 1 Min B)  Accumulate 100 PU and 100 HSPU, Partition however you want to but a minimum of 15 reps of each exercise must be completed before returning to the exercise....

Bedlam Athlete #648 – Cycle #8

BS, Build to a Heavy Set of 5, THIS IS NOT A MAX 5 Min EMOM 5 BS @ 70-75% of BS 1 Rep Max C) 10 EMOM 5 Bar Facing Burpee + 2 Cleans @ 75% D) 3 Rounds: 12/10 Cal Row 10 BJO (24, 20) 10 DB PC (50, 30) E)  4-5 Rounds: 5 Strict T2B 10 sec Rest 10 sec L-Hang 10 sec Rest 20...