Bedlam Friday – Week 5

Bedlam Friday – Week 5

A) 6×1 Front Squat @20×1 Building with each set to a heavy single rest 2:00-3:00 between sets B) 8Min EMOM 1. 6-8 C2B/PU 2. 6-8 Thrusters (95/65) (75/55) rest 3:00 8min EMOM 1. 8-10 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) 2. 10/7 Cal AD (:30 AD) *whichever comes first C)...
Bedlam Thursday – Week 5

Bedlam Thursday – Week 5

A) Open Gym – Work on a skill Ask a Coach for help! B) Partner Wod 100 Cal Bike – partition as needed rest 3:00 7min AMRAP – 1 partner works while the other rests 125m run 8 balls slams 8 walking lunges rest 3:00 100 cal row – partition as...
Bedlam Wednesday – Week 5

Bedlam Wednesday – Week 5

Percentage of effort remains the same 80-90% relative to time domain. As time decreases effort must stay high. Your 80% at 30sec should be different than 80% at 2:00 SUSTAINABLE EFFORTS. 3 sets 2Min AMRAP 6 goblet Squat 6 KBS 2min Rest 90sec AMRAP 200m run AMRAP PC...