A) MAP Session – Sustained Aerobic Output

3 sets :30on-:30off @85-90% effort (12:00)
Heavy KBS
plate push
no push up burpee to plate
Med ball Clean

rest 4:00

3 sets :30on-:30off @85-90% effort (12:00)
Slam ball throws
box jumps
Goblet Lunges

Rest As Needed

B) Shoulder Bulletproofing
3-4 sets
8-10 Banded Wall slides, slow up and down
8-10 90/90’s with lite DB
15ft perfect bear crawl
rest as needed between sets

C) Core (optional)
Accumulate 6minutes in a plank
Every break perform 5 weighted sit ups

D) Armor (optional)
Olympic Lifting Tech

6×1 Snatch (squat) @ 70% of 1RM
rest as needed between sets.

6X1 Clean + Jerk @ 70% of 1RM
rest as needed between sets