Bedlam Friday

Bedlam Friday

A) 3 Snatch Pull @31X1, tough @ 95-100% of 1RM rest 1:00 x 4 sets B) Barbell Cycling – Power Snatch 9min EMOM Min 1-3 – 6-8 tng PS 75/55 45/35 Min 4-6 – 4-6 tng PS 95/75 75/55 Min 7-9 – 2-4 tng PS 115/95 95/75 C) 3x3min AMRAP 100m run 8...
Bedlam Thursday

Bedlam Thursday

A) Open Gym Grab a coach, work on a skill, make up a workout, etc. or B) 30minutes low and slow 3:00 row/bike/800m run 15 KB DL 12 russian KB swing 9 kB OH WALKING LUNGES / leg (18 total) or C) IGT 8 rounds 100m run 8 ring row 8 push ups rest walk...
Bedlam Wednesday

Bedlam Wednesday

A) Strict Press.Pause Push Press.Pause Push Jerk 2.2.2 Build to a heavy for 4 sets, rest 1:30-2:00 between sets. Pause at bottom of dip during PP and PJ B) Pulling Volume accumulation AMRAP Strict PU / ring row , work until failure 8-10 Pike on a rower – pause...