Bedlam Tuesday

A) 8min EMOM 1. 4-6, 6-8 Strict C2B/PU @1111 2. 6-8 Barbell Supinated pendlay row @1111 rest 2:00 8min EMOM 1. 4-6, 6-8 Strict HSPU 2. 4-6, 6-8 Parallette Push up @12X2 B) 4 rds 500m row 12-15 T2B 12-15 Dual DB Push Press (50/35)(40/25) rest 2:00 C) Core 100m farmers...

Bedlam Monday

A) 4x 3 pause split jerk, rest 90sec – 2:00 between sets *Build to a tough working weight for all sets, pause for 2 at dip and receiving position B) 5×2 Pause Front Squats @ 33X1 Build with each set and rest 2:00 between C) 6 min AMRAP PC (135/95)(115/75) 8...