Bedlam Monday

Monday 6/18/18 A1) (6-8) Weighted box step ups per leg, rest rest :30 between legs A2) 8 BS Reps @ 50% of 1RM @20X1 rest 2:00-3:00 x 3 sets B) 4min 400m run 15 PC+OH (95/65) Amrap burpees rest 3:00 4min Amrap 400m run 15 KBS 70/53 Amrap Burpees rest 3:00 4min 400m run...

Bedlam Friday

A1) 6-8 landline press /arm @30X1, rest :30-1:00 A2) R and L side pull up, 2-4 reps per side, rest :30-1:00 A3) 6-8 Dual KB Front rack Squats @22X1 Rest 1:30-2:00 x 3 sets B) Benchmark WOD “Nasty Girls”-ish 3 rounds 50 Air squats 7 Muscle Ups...
Warm-Up – Static Stretching and Dynamic Stretching

Warm-Up – Static Stretching and Dynamic Stretching

Static Stretching and Dynamic (Ballistic) Stretching Why you should stretch, what is the difference, and which one should you do? Why should you stretch? A mistake that many exercisers and athletes make is forgoing stretching and directly engaging with workouts cold....