1 Sets @75% Sustainable Pace
20 Min Row
rest 5 mins
10 Min AD
B) 10 Min EMOM
20 Sec L-Hang on Pull-Up BAr
4X4 DL – Build in your sets – No max sets but all tough working sets
Find a Heavish Snatch for the day- Only two misses allowed
C) 10 Min EMOM
2 Squat Snatch @70% of B
D) 5 Min EMOM
4 High Hang Squat Cleans @65-70%% of Clean RM
C) AMRAP in 7 mins:
10 bar Muscle-ups – this should be aimed for one set – scale if need be
15 Bar Facing Burpees
20 BJ Overs (24/20)
25 hang squat Snatch@ 115/75
cal rowing in remaining time
3X1 Min Weighted Sorenson Hold