A1) 3-5 False Grip Ring Pull ups @2111, rest 1:00 x 3-4 sets
A2) 15-25ft HSW / 2-3 wall walk , rest 1:00 x 3-4 sets

B1) 3-5 UB BMU, rest 1:00 x 3-4 sets
B2) 15-25ft Reverse Seal Walk , rest 1:00 x 3-4 sets

C) 14minutes
200m row
5-7 Dips
10 Toes to Ring
30 Walking lunges
20-30sec bar hang (False grip hold for a challenge)

D) Core
:30 R side plank hug and reach
:30 L side plank hug and reach
:30 spiderman plank
rest as needed 4 sets

E) Armor
4 rounds
15/12 Cal Row
8 PS 115/75
8 Box Jump overs