A. 0-07:00 Instruction and Equipment set up
Min 7:00-19:00
– Find a tough Single Front Squat+Split Jerk (Push Jerk/Push Press if cannot split)
Min – 22:00-27:00
AMRAP – 2.2, 4.4, 6.6, 8.8 etc.
Barbell Front Rack Alt. Lunges
burpees over bar
Min – 30:00-35:00
125M Run (shed and back or row 150m if too cold)
8 DB Thrusters
Min 38:00-47:00
15/12 Cal Row
15 KBS
15 Box Jumps
Min 50:00-60:00 Cool down / Core
10 bird dog total
1:00 plank KB Drag
10 cat cow
rest as needed x 3-4 sets

B) Armor
20min steady moving
1:00 row
1:00 burpees
1:00 walking lunges
1:00 plank hold