Min 0-7:00 Instruction and Equipment Set up
Min 7:00 – 19:00
12min to find a tough Bear Complex (1PC+1FS+1s2OH+1BS+1S2OH)
Min 22:00-24:00 (2min)
Burpees to 6in target
Min 26:00-33:00 (7minAMRAP)
30 DU
8 PC (115/75)
8 S2OH
Min 36:00-43:00 (7min AMRAP)
100ft Plate Push
12 KBS
12 Vups
Min 45:00-47:00 (2min AMRAP)
Cal Row/AD
Min 50:00-60:00
3-5 sets
:30 amrap body saw on med ball
:30 plank straddle jump
:30 med ball mountain climbers
rest as needed

B) Armor
10 cal row
5 burpees over rower
15 cal row
5burpees over rower
5/5 DB snatch
20 cal row
5burpees over rower
5/5 DB snatch
5 push ups
25 cal row
5burpees over rower
5/5 DB snatch
5 push ups
5 box jumps
Rest 2-5minutes
Then repeat again