A) 16 Wtd. DB Walking lunges, tough (8/leg), + 100ft plate push
rest 2:00-3:00 x 4 sets

B) 6-8 Sumo BB Good mornings @30X1, mod. + 8-10 alt. height PVC jumps
rest 90sec x 3-4 sets

C) 4 sets – Mix and Match
Change the order you perform movements each set
150m row
6-8 burpee box jump overs
10 T2B
6-8 Dual KB/DB snatch
10 WB 20/14
rest 2:00

D) Core
:30 Hug and reach R
:30 Hug and reach L
:30 jack knives
rest 1:00 x 4-5 sets