A1.1x 6-8 Single Arm DB Bench Press, @3111, rest 1:00
2x 4-6 single arm DB Bench Press @3111
** try to go heavier than you did last week or improve upon form
A2. 1x 6-8 Single arm Bent over row @2112, rest 1:00
2x 4-6 single arm Bent over row @2112, rest 1:00
** try to go heavier than you did last week or improve upon form

B1. 4-6 Supinated Pull Up, @21X1, rest 1:00 x 3 sets
B2.6-10 ring push up @2111, rest 1:00 x 3 sets

C. 3- 4 sets for Quality – if formĀ breaks after 3 rounds call it a day.
100ft Heavy sled push
2 TGU / arm
10 Tough KB Suitcase DL / side
6-10 Pikes on rower @2020
**steady moving pace.