A) Open Gym


A1) 10,8,6 CGBP @21X1, rest 1:00, tough for each set
A2) 6-8 Bent Over DB/KB Row @31X1 per arm , rest 1:00 x 3 sets
A3) 8-10 Bicep Curls @2020 x 3sets
A4) 20 banded tricep extensions with a pause at the bottom x 3 sets

B) 30min AMRAP @ Steady 75% pace
500m row
20 walking lunges
45sec plank hold on hands
400m run
20 plank shoulder taps
20 abmsu


C) 4 sets
30sec on / 30 sec off @85% sustainable pace each set
– Row

rest 2-5:00
4 sets
30sec on / 30 sec off @85% sustainable pace each set
– AD
– burpees