A) 7 sets

1:00 row @ 75%

5 strict pull ups

5 strict HSPU

Rest 1-2:00

B) 30min AMRAP @ 75%

3:00 row / AD / 600m run

1:00 box step ups

1:00 plank

C) 20min EMOM

1- 100ft tough sled

2- :30 slam ball to shoulder

3- 50-100ft bear crawl

4- 150m (200m) run  

D1. 4-6 Pull to sternum, rest :30-1:00 (seated or on high-rings)

D2. :10-:15 bottom of ring dip hold, rest :30-1:00

D3. :10-:15 false grip hold (rings or bar)

X 4-5 sets