A1) 3-5 Strict HSPU (sc. Negative Kipping) + 10 second HS hold + amrap Kipping HSPU

Rest 1-2:00

A2) :10-:15 ISO PU hold + amrap Kipping PU (sc. Iso Ring hold + Amrap Ring row)

Rest 1-2:00 x 4-5 sets

B) 30 minute Amrap @ 75%

1:00 singles

1:00 R arm russian KBS

400m run

1:00 Box step ups/ box jumps

1:00 L arm russian KBS

20 cal AD

C) Every 2:30 minutes for 5 sets

7/10 cal AD

5 tng Cleans (115/75)   

Gymnastic Skill of the month: HANDSTAND HOLD

  • 5-10minutes of headstand work

D1) :30 Pike box Handstand hold rest 1:00

D2) :20-:30 floor handstand drill rest 1:00

X 5