A) 4×1 Strict Press, 1:00-1:30
4×1 Push Press, 1:00-1:30
4×1 Jerk , push or Split, rest 1:00-1:30

Working to a heavy for each movement.
Concentrate on good setup. Drive through the
heels and keep your midline braced the whole time.

B) 5min AMRAP
8 WB
4 MU/ 7 C2B/PU

rest 2:00

5min AMRAP
100m run (mailbox)
5 Dual DB weighted burpee + Step up

C) Core
:40 Heels over Parallette
:20 v-ups
rest 1:00 x 4-5 sets

D) Row Intervals
:30 EZ row @55% effort
:30 hard row @85-90%
x 8 sets

rest 2:00 x 2