A) Hi Hang Snatch. OHS 2.1
Build to a tough for 6-8 sets, rest 2:00 minutes

B) Partner WOD
Teams of 2 – Can Start on any movement. Must complete before you move on
400m run together -buy in
100 DU
50 BB OHS 75/55
400m run together- cash out

C) Core
4-5 Rounds
10 Ab Rollouts with Barbell
:20 Hanging L Sit
Rest as Needed

D) Bedlam Armor
IGT (Interval Gymnastics Training)
1:00 AD @ 75% effort
2 wall walk + 20 handstand hold (6-8 breaths)
rest walk 1:00 x 6 sets

1:00 row @ 75% effort
2/1 rope climb / 2 rope floor pull to stand
rest walk 1:00 x 6 sets