A1) (3-5) Negative Pull Up @ 41A1, rest 1:00 x 3-4 sets
A2) 6-8 Single Arm DB/KB Bench Press @41X1, rest 1:00 x 3 sets 3-sets

B1) 6-8 Half kneeling Arnold Press @21X2, rest :30 between arms x 3 sets, tougher than last week
B1) 6-8 Pendlay Row @21X2, rest 1:00 x 3 sets

C) Partner Wod – 18min cap
400m run Together
40 sync KBS
400m run together
30 sync burpees
400m run together
80 WB – partition, you go i go

C) Core
1:00 Partner WB Sit ups – pass ball back and forth to one another
45sec plank hold
rest as needed x 4 sets

D) Armor
3 rounds
12 Front Squats (135/95)
12 T2B
60 DU