A) Segment Clean Deadlift.Clean Pull 2.2
rest 1:30-2:00 x 4 sets

B) Barbell Cycling – Power Clean
9min EMOM
Min 1-3 8 HPC @ 95/65
Min 4-6 6 HPC @ 115/85
Min 7-9 4 HPC @ 135/95

C) 3 x 500m row
rest walk 3:00-4:00 between sets
**Score of the Day is your fastest time between the 3 sets

D) 6-8 R side plank pulse                                   6-8 R hug and reach                                         :20 R plank hold

rest :30 Repeat on L                                             X 4 sets

E) Bedlam Armor- AD Intervals
3:00 AD @80-90% effort
Rest walk 3:00
x 4 sets
*aim for consistent effort. Sustain RPM for that period of time for all sets.
Remember, the longer the time spent on the bike the lower the RPM must be in order to SUSTAIN effort.