A) 3 Tall Snatch, @ tough load, pause in squat for 2 sec
rest 1:00-2:00 x 4 sets

B) Barbell Cycling – Power Snatch
8min EMOM
1- 200m row (150m row)
2- 3 tough TnG PS 155/105, 135/95, 95/65

C) For Time
S2OH (96/65) (75/55)
Pull Ups
rest 2:00

OHS (96/65) (75/55)

rest 2:00

Thrusters (96/65) (75/55)
200m run After each set

D) Core
:30 weighted Russian twists
:30 Seated OH Plate hold
8-10 Weighted Sit ups with plate
1:00 Rest x 4 Rounds

E) Bedlam Armor- AD Intervals
2:00 AD @ 80-90% effort
2:00 rest
x 5 sets
*aim for consistent effort. Sustain RPM for that period of time for all sets.