What do you do for a living? (optional) 
I am a Physical Therapist Assistant for HealthLink
Who or what inspires you?  
My parents inspire me every day to work hard and make my dreams a reality. My parents mean the world to me and I want to do whatever I can to make them proud.
My fiancé inspires me to give my all in everything that I do, whether it be at work or the gym.
My patients inspire me to set a good example and show them how important it is to live an active/healthy lifestyle, even though some think I’m crazy.
How has CrossFit changed your life if at all? 
Crossfit has changed my life in many different ways. I have lifted weight I never thought possible and made friends who are now family. It’s also helped me develop more confidence in myself and motivates me to do well, not only for myself but more importantly for my team.
If you could describe Bedlam using 3 words what would they be? 
Family. Driven. Community.
What are your favorite and least favorite movements and why? 
My favorite movements are clean/jerks, double unders and anything on the pull-up bar. These movements just make me feel good because I know how much time and effort I put into them to make them my strengths.
My least favorite movements are snatches, wall balls and anything that has to do with cardio (running, rowing, airdyne). Even though my form has improved with snatches, I continue to struggle with getting to the bottom. Cardio just freakin sucks! I have never been good at cardio. I even quit track in the 8th grade because I hated running.
What advice would you give to someone who struggles with the day to day challenges of training to compete? 
Just keep moving and stay calm. If you start panicking and thinking negative it only gets worse. Believe in yourself and never give up. You’re capable of more than you think. Stay positive. Every workout is another step towards your goal. The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.