AM Session Intervals + Core
24 Min EMOM
1- 18/15 Cal Row
2 – 15/12 Cal Ad
3 – 12 BJ (24/20)
4 – rest
PM Session
Snatch Snatch/Paused FS%/ DB/KB Skill/Aerobic Metcon/Upper PP
1 10 Dual DB Box Weighted Step Overs (24/20) – (50/35)/Arm
15 GHD Sit-Ups
X 3 sets – rest as needed
2 5X5 Squat Snatch @70-75% – Aim for Perfect Reps here – Drop and Reset and rest as needed
3 3X6 Paused FS @21X1 – 70-75% of FS RM – rest as needed
4 20 Min AMRAP
200m Run
5 PS (115/75)
5 Bar Facing Burpees
5 PC+OH (115/75)
5 7 Min AMRAP
5 Strict Ring Dips @30X1
5 Parralette Push-Ups @30X1