If you are doing The Fittest Games Qualifier, we have given suggested days for each event to be done on. Since this week is a quick week for a lot of people, we suggest doing the events followed below

Tuesday –

250m Row

15 KBS

25 Burpees

15 KBS

250m Row

Wednesday –

Pull-Up, Hang Squat Clean, OHS Workout

Friday – 18 Min AMRAP

AM Session

A) 30 Min AMRAP @75%/Moderate 

2 Min Row

2 Min AD

2 Min Run

PM Session

A) 20 Rep Back Squat, +5-10# from 14 Oct, 1 Set

B) 10 Sets, Rest as Needed

1 Snatch @ 90%

C)  10 EMOM

Hi-Hang Clean @ 70%

D)  5 Sets:

15 GHD Sit-Ups

30 sec Rest

30 sec Swiss Ball Stir Pot

Rest 1 Min