AM Session

A) 5 Min AMRAP

10 Burpee

10 WB (20,14)

10 KBS (70,53)


5 Min Rest


10 Min AMRAP

250m Row

7 T2B

7 PC+OH (95,65)

PM Session

This Cycle we will be doing a modified version of the 20 Rep Back Squat program.  In this version you will start at 55% of your Back Squat max. You will perform a single set of 20 unbroken reps at that weight. You may pause at the top of the movement with open hips for as long as you would like but you may not re-rack the weights. This is important due to the benefits of being under tension for the entire time. The next 20 rep squat day, you will add 5-10 pounds to the weight you did the previous squat session. If you fail the set, the next session you will stay at the same weight you failed until successful at that load. Make smart jumps; 10 pound jumps would not be advisable if the last sessions squats were very difficult.  

A) 20 Rep Back Squat @ 55% of RM, 1 Set

B) 10 Sets:

Hi-Hang Clean Double @ 75% of Clean

Rest as Needed

C)  8 EMOM

1 Snatch @ 80%

D)  10 EMOM

  1. 30 sec Weighted Plank
  2. 30 sec Sorenson Hold