Monday – 4/2/18 – MS/Hi-Hang Snatch/ Metcon/ Post Chain/ Core
AM Session: Every 2 Mins X 6 Sets:
1 – 300/250m Row
2 – 20/15 Cal AD
3 – 200m Run
PM Session
1 Every 90 seconds X (6 sets): Muscle Snatch x 1 rep (build over the 6 sets to something heavy for today)
2 Every 90 Sec X 8 Sets: 1 Hang Snatch
*Sets 1-2 – 75% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position
*Sets 3-4 – 80% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position
*Sets 5-6 – 85%
*Sets 7-8 – 90%
5X3 Snatch DL @90% of Snatch RM – rest 1 min – Pause 1 sec at 1″ off ground+Above Knee Hang+ Hi-hang Snacth Position
4 3 Min AMRAP X 4 Sets: – rest 3 mins b/t sets
200m Run
10 Bar FAcing Burpees
15 HPC @115/75
AMRAP PC+OH w/ remaining time
5 A1) Glute Ham Raises X 6-8 reps @20X1 – rest 30 Sec
10 Strict T2B @20X1 – rest 2 min X 4 Sets