1. 10 EMOM – 2 Squat Snatch @65% of Snatch RM
  2. 5 Min EMOM – 4 Snatch Balance @ 60% of Snatch RM – work speed to the bottom
  3.  Every 90 Sec X 8 Sets – 3 PC + 1 SJ @70% of C&J RM
  4. 3 Sets: Rest 1:1

60 DU

30 Alternating DB Snatch – (50/35)

10 Burpee BJ Overs (24/20)

30 Cal Row

60 DU

  1. 3×5 Weighted Single Leg DL @30X1 @Moderate Load – rest 30 sec b/t leg – rest 2 mins b/t sets