“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti

A) Every 30 Seconds X 20 Sets

1 BJ @ Tough Height  – *no walk in

B) 8 Min EMOM @65-70% of PC RM

PC + Hang PC + Push Jerk – 2.2.2 (2 reps of each movement)

C) For Time:

12 Unbroken KB PC + 12 Unbroken KB Front Squats (35/25)

10 Unbroken KB PC + 10 Unbroken KB Front Squats (44/35)

8 Unbroken KB PC + 8 Unbroken KB Front Squats (53/44)

6 Unbroken KB PC + 6 Unbroken KB Front Squats (70/53)


*rest 5 mins
