“Bedlam – a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion.”

A1) 50 FT Sled Pull – Tough X 4 Sets – 15 sec rest….

A2) AMRAP Strict HSPU X 4 Sets – 90 sec rest

B1) 2 Legless Rope Climbs X 4 Sets – 10 sec rest….

B2) AMRAP Clapping Push-Ups X 4 Sets – 90 sec rest

C) 15 Min HS Walk Practice

*if efficient with HS Walk, complete below:

15 Min EMOM

– 40 FT HS Walk

D) 2 Sets:

5 Min Row @85-90%

rest 2:30

5 MIn Run

rest 2:30

5 Min AD

rest 2:30