A) Pause Push Press. Pause Push Jerk. Pause Split Jerk. 2.2.1
Build to a heavy for 4 sets, rest 1:30-2:00 between sets.
Pause at bottom of dip during PP and PJ

B) Pulling Volume accumulation
Accumulate 45/35 Strict Pull up Sc. 80/60 Ring row
Every time you break perform 3-5 Strict HSPU (box HSPU, HRPU)
rest as needed before each set.

C) 7 min AMRAP
Manmakers (40/25) 2,4,6,8…
*20 DU after each set

D) Core
:30 Dual KB Deadbug
:30 Dual KB windshield wiper
1:00 bird dog
x 4-5 sets

E) Bedlam Armor
14min AMRAP
15/12 cal bike/ row
12 single arm DB HPC
9 single arm DB OHS
*Alt arms after each round*