A1) 3 Pause Push Jerk, 2sec pause in dip and receiving position rest 30sec
A2) 15 WB Push Press, rest 30
A3) 10-12 SeeSaw DB/KB Row
rest 90sec x 4-5 sets

B) 17minute Cap
3 rounds
15 OHS (105/75) (95/65) (75/55)
200m run

rest 2:00

3 rounds
20 Box Jumps
20 KBS (53/35)

C) Core
4 sets
20-30sec L-sit /L-tuck
45sec plank *weighted if too easy
rest as needed

D) Armor
4 rounds
400m row
16 alt DB Snatch
16 push push ups

E) Summer Gunz
4 sets
Amrap Ball Barbell Curl with a 4 sec lowering
20 Bald Bar Upright Row
20 Standing Barbell Strict Press
rest as needed between movements 1:00 between sets