A) 5×4 Hang Power Cleans
Build to a challenging with each set. rest 90sec

B1) 6-8 Front Foot Elevated Barbell Back Rack Lunges
Perform all one leg first, rest 30sec then the other x 3 sets
B2) 4 DB Push Press per arm + 4 DB Push Jerk + 4 DB Split Jerk
tough, rest 1:00 x 3sets
**Pause in receving positions of Push Jerk and Split Jerk

C) 8min AMRAP
10 T2B
8 Box Jumps
6 Man Makers (35/20)
*Burpee, Row, Row, Thruster*

D) Core
sit ups
Russian Twists
leg Lifts

E) Armor
20min AMRAP
AD Cals