A1) 4 Pause Push Press @22X1 rest 30sec
A2) 8-12 Feet Elevated Ring Row, Pause at the top , rest 30sec
A3) 8-12 DB Glute Bridge Floor Press @21X1
rest 90sec x 4-5 sets

B) For Time – 17min Cap
20-15-10 PS (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)
30-25-20 WB
400m Run/Row

C) Core
3 rounds
15 v-tucks
30sec Plank Hip Side to Sides
15 hollow rocks
rest as needed

D) Armor
5 rounds
15 KBS
10 burpees
3 wall walks

E) Summer Gunz
4 sets
12-15 Rear Delt Flys
12-15 DB Row
20 Banded Tricep Pull downs